martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Final Product

Means of transport
It was a historical, anthropological and biological weapons which led man to develop different means of transport available. But the curious feature of the human being, it has led to want to explore their home, the Earth. From the first moment of its existence, the man moves, walks and moves, to go ever further, and to satisfy these cravings will undoubtedly be invented. Thus, from the first logs used as rollers for moving the wheel, sailing ships, planes and space rockets, the man was creating the means to, by necessity or curiosity, transported through the space. The revolution in transport that Europe experienced during the nineteenth century is considered one of the most important part of the total economic transformations of the century. A time to pause on the fundamental characteristics of development of the second phase of the Industrial Revolution, the study of progress in the field of roads and communication systems is essential to understand both the development of population and exchanges such as the infrastructure to facilitate the streamlining of the production market. In this sense, the historical process of industrialization in England during the eighteenth century, had offered definitive experiences, from which would begin in the first third of the nineteenth century, a massive technical renovation. France, the Netherlands and then Germany began the great task of bringing their communication and transportation systems to the needs created by new models of industrial development.

At the stage that goes from the late eighteenth century to the mid-nineteenth witnessed a systematic reconstruction of roads. Many of them were paved and some services and innovation of dual carriageway. Moreover, the system of toll roads (roads turpike), which was implemented in England in the late eighteenth century, became widespread, which attracted mainly to private enterprise. British policy was to provide free construction of new roads by the United Enclousures Acts, which prevented the distribution of land. However, the progressive development of land communication networks known principles of a remarkable stay, when, as in the second phase of the Industrial Revolution, the railroad finally was imposed as a means of transport. The resounding victory of the rail, the dramatic increase in speed that resulted in time-bin compared to the traditional means of loading goods (exclusively animal traction), and the extraordinary possibilities offered for industrial expansion, the long-distance trade etc., reduce the role of roads in an "affluent" supplementary railways, conditioning, however, the location of the stations and retain a redistributive role.

Between 1850 and 1900, the triumph of a conditioned rail era, left a clear imprint of a symbol of progress and hope that the West missed a walk among the major wealth and social conflicts, set new forms of life and nurture utopian socialist Saint-Simon on a world conquered by the railroad, where men find themselves in paradise with technical development. Also multiply the greed of the monopolists, immense mobilizing private capital and powerful, to stimulate heavy industry, between a sack in the new areas of colonial influence, spread their nets in the fever of imperialism, leaving a trail of temporary cities, factories, bank branches or commercial sites, its territories or conditioned shaped rails or borders become strategic, real targets of attack as it sounded when the battles and the great powers shared the world. The locomotive was the mascot of the second half of the nineteenth century: the image of the second phase of the Industrial Revolution, bringing capital and goods, or stopping at the doors of the big industrial cities where the workers were lying on the rails.

More than any other factor, the railroad changed the nature and intensity of industrial life, over a long period of our history. We must take into account that up to half of the twentieth century would be replaced by other forms of transport. The invention of the steam engine running on iron rails, first, and later steel, led, as we said before, a dramatic increase in the speed of land transportation. The first railway lines were built in England in the mid-1 830, as solutions to communication needs agile at close range. Previously they had been built to track convoys animal drawn wagons in the vicinity of coal deposits. The first use of the steam engine was made in 1821 by the initiative George Sthephenson, with the opening line of the Stockton-Darlington public. The railroad experienced its first major triumph.

England in 1830 only used steam engines, counting only two railways. France in 1832, and the private initiative of the Seguin family tended a 58-kilometer railway line between Lyon and Saint-Etienne, also used the steam engine. In 1835, Germany decided on what we now call a pilot, and opened a line of three miles between Nuremberg and Fuerth. Brussels followed by a more ambitious project: to combine with Brussels Antwerp through one hundred and fifty miles of railroad. What at first was merely an attempt to technological renewal, particularly in the transportation of minerals, rose quickly to become private companies, and later in agile exchange of goods, supply of raw materials, mail information, and so on. In 1860, both in Europe and the United States, the railroads began to form large and complex networks.

In 1870 Europe had more than one hundred thousand miles of railway. As a curiosity it should be noted that in England it was possible to go from Edinburgh to London in just twelve hours of travel. Was changing the whole concept of speed and distance. Then the problems started between the state and private initiative. During the second third of the century occurred frequently between the wars, the agreements between private companies and state, as well as conflicts of interest on the transport business. The rapid expansion of railway networks and a definitive victory in the field of transport means in the second phase of the Industrial Revolution would cushion those tensions.

jueves, 16 de abril de 2009

Phases of The Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution transformed the re existence of mankind and to accelerate the pace of history.

First phase

Machines and manpower

• Technical Inventions:

The resources of the revolution were watchmakers, manufacturers of optical instruments, and cortafríos around the elements that gave the British the idea of engineers building high-pressure machinery
• the leadership of industrial England:

during the XVI and XVII provide the wool industry and the industries of silk. England began to export these and other products by browsing. At the end of the seventeenth century became the country that played the largest international maritime trade, the British were forced to invent machines and procedures to reduce costs of manufactured goods. The workers were craftsmen working in Asia and this is what caused many technical inventions in the English textile industry.
The triumph of the machines: The English industry became thanks to two decisive changes: the mechanization of the work and the application of the steam to the new machines.

• The mechanization of the work: It arose from the experience of the textile craftsmen, who contributed practical solutions you castrated to increase the production and to lower the price of costs. Like the machine to spin well-known like Jenny, invented by Harqueaves.

• The application of the steam: but everything changed when James Watt invented the steam machine, in 1765.Becoming one of the first passages for the industrial development. It produced technical progresses and a great impact in the society, looked for to replace the hand of the worker by one more a more profitable production.

Iron and steel industry and Mining: The iron and the coal: At the beginning industrialization, the raw material to construct the machines was the iron, little metal in England. Nevertheless, the work with the iron posed another problem: For its smelting the firewood was used because the steam of the charcoal did not favor. Thus, with the purpose of to improve the quality of the iron, they were based to the treatment with base to the mineral coal. The mineral coal reduced the costs of the production of the iron, and allowed the manufactures of greater furnaces. In addition, the cutting of trees paused. The Agricultural revolution: Simultaneously with the industrial revolution, the call of the agricultural revolution occurred that considered two aspects: the transformation of the agrarian structures and the new techniques of culture.

The transformation of the agrarian structures: in century XVIII I reform the property and possession of farms. This happened because the territories of the noble were an obstacle because there was too much fragmentation. The British parliament and the laws of the surrounded one concentrated to the property and to stimulate the investment.

• The new techniques of culture:
In the field new techniques of culture practiced which took place, the productivity increased in a 90% throughout century XVIII.

The demographic revolution: Another significant fact, happened in Europe from second half of century XVIII, was the accelerated growth of the population.

The causes of the growth of the population were product of the industrial revolution.

Between these causes we can mention: To the best feeding, thanks to the agricultural progresses and the advances of the medicine and the hygiene. The demographic increase, constituted an important factor of economic development. And to avoid the excess of population, Malthus proposed the birth control by means of the drastic limitation of the marriages. But the effective solution but was the emigration from the European to other regions of the world.

Second phase: the technical revolution (1840 – 1920)

The technical progress and economic development created by the industrial revolution began to transform the habits and relationships between people. The communication and transportation methods make shortest distances.

TrainsOne of the inventions of this phase were the trains. The first train was created in 1814 but was very slow so in 1835 were build powerful trains with more speed.

Steamboats In 1803 the first model of a steam boat was created by Fulton. The mode was tested and works but the French government did not support this idea so Fulton moved to United States where he received support. In 1807 United States begun to produce this boats.

Industrial revolution expansion

France Experiment from the 19 century a gradual industrialization. The machines they use came from England but later they began to build their own machines.Mechanization became generalized and the public works and the trains stimulated progress.

Germany Industrialization begun with the role played by Prussia. In 1834 Germany created a large market, in 1835 began operating the first train, later industrial resources and technical capacity create the German empire and the country became a world power.

United States In 1860 was the second industrial power. The great natural resources, the trains, and the emigrants were innovations caused the fast industrial development. Japan: After the revolution Meiji, Japan started modernizations and this changes include the industrial revolution.

Third Phase

Technical revolution

We can locate the face as of 1920.Around this time the aviation and space exploration received a big push. Developed the media of communication like the radio, television, film, telephone and the informatics and the media of transportation. Some of the characteristics of this time were called the Industrial Automation or empire of machines programmed.

The Fashion in The Industrial Revolution

Fashion refers to the customs that make any specific time or place, especially those related to dress or adorn.
And it is that fashion is like the massive, imposed or acquired, as opposed to clothing, perfumes, glasses, colors, and everything that is linked with beauty. Not only the women, as men, with increasing force, joins the cries of fashion.

Fashion is that, regarded today. What is being used in a given period. Earlier, the fashion was a bit more stable, not changing so fast. Today, the fashion changes from season to season and year to year. The current fashion is not lasting, so you always have to watch what is going to use next season.

With regard to the history of fashion, the first traces of this can be found even in prehistoric times. Since humans are also dressed. At first, they used animal skins to cover. In addition, teeth and claws of animals were used to form necklaces, worn by men and women. Over time, clothes were more elaborate and women began to paint the face.

Later, with the arrival of the first great civilization, the Sumerian, fashion changed dramatically. This, as it was beginning to make, style of clothes a lot more elaborate. Also begin to build houses for their gods and palaces; everything was decorated with great eagerness.
After the Egyptians came to polish everything. These people were quite vain. With much care it looks. Moreover, men and women, shave their heads, only to use wigs. They were people who used much jewelry. It also paints for the face. Similar, they were fans of the perfume.

So did the Greeks, who usually used the toga. Garments made of wool, which came up to the knees in men and even women in heels. The Romans in turn, used the famous toga. This passed by a shoulder and gave a return below the arm. Men and women used it. Also, women are quite concerned about their hair. Thus, were a regular comb and form quite elaborate headdresses.

Over the centuries, the fashion was being increasingly refined. For example, in the middle Ages, clothing used by men and women, was much more complex than the one used by the aforementioned civilizations. Similarly, women used more long dresses and jewels. Few areas of the body remained in the light of men. This period was marked by restraint and condemnation against it considered bad manners.
So later in the eighteenth century, fashion was what she wore the upper class of the Old Continent, especially France. They were aristocrats, who wore a French mode or taste. Therefore, he had to reach the Industrial Revolution, to the bourgeoisie, to wear to fashion. As the finest fabrics, like perfumes and other accessories, were only up until that time, the aristocracy of Europe. This, because of the costs.

At that time began an increase in the population. This increase was caused by the reduction of mortality rates, especially the children, plus an extension of the age. Of 100 children born, 50 reached the 20 years. War, famine and epidemics, produced thousands of deaths. After the 1750 crisis tended to decrease a product of better nutrition and advances in medicine and cleaning. Scientifically learned to fight cholera, smallpox, typhus and tuberculosis, eliminating infectious.
Furthermore, the population tended to migrate to cities seeking work, especially from the countryside to the factories. Along with this improved agriculture through irrigation of land, crop rotation, fertilizers and use of equipment in the field. Moreover, the price of grain rose.
Proceeds from the large quantity of cotton arrived in England that were established looms, machines spun cotton; it changed the mode of use of cotton wool, but at first only used cotton nobility, the people still using wool. In the late eighteenth century, beginning to be the first journal devoted to research and shows everything to the current fashion.

But the main thing in fashion is that this reflects the culture of a country or place, as the economic changes that arise in them. Fashion is not the same everywhere. Even the weather is a powerful factor, when considering what is fashionable in some place or another within the balloon.

The Industrial Revolution

Phases of The Industrial Revolution

viernes, 3 de abril de 2009

Activities on onventions


Activity one


Note: in this short bibliography we are going to specify some things as: who was her? What did she invent? When it was invented? Where it was invented? What impact this invention had on America's History?

Elisha Graves Otis invented a safety device that prevented the elevator from falling if the cable broke. He started working on it at 1852 and he finished it on 1854.He worked in this safety device when he was living Yonkers, New York.
Elisha Graves Otis was born on August 3, 1811 Halifax, Vermont and died on April 8, 1861 because he contracted a diphtheria. In 1852 he invented a safety device for making the elevators more safety, and for avoiding the falling of the elevator due to the broke of any cable.
Otis started to sale his firsts own “safety” elevators on 1853. His invention was a big success in a New York exposition, where he impress all the audience when he ordered to cut a cable and he show how this new method of safety was preventing that the elevators crash against the soil in case of accident and he supposed a real revolution for the industry.
The first elevator was installed in New York on 1857. When Otis died his sons Charles and Norton continued with this work on his company named Otis Brothers & Co.

Activity two
Ten open questions
The technology has advance to much since some years ago, based in this answer this questions.
1. How many changes have occurred in the actual refrigerator s, compared with the older ones?
2. We listen that the old people talk about when the television was black and white, how do you imagine it was like?
3. The technology has advance especially in the communication things, can you describe how where the telephones 30 years ago?
4. The radios have had a lot of changes, how do you imagine the music or information in the radio was 40 years ago?
5. Can you describe the changes that the actual CD has had?
6. The microwave oven is very utile invention in the actuality, how do you imagine the microwave oven of 40 years ago?
7. In the past the persons used books to investigate the things the need or want to know, on the actuality we use the internet, what pages of internet do you use to investigate?
8. IPods have been a great invention for everybody, but they are a very new invention. Before the iPods where invented, how do you listen to the music you want?
9. We are very use to the technology; many of our works depend on it. But what will you do if the technology doesn’t exist for one day?
10. Teenagers spend their time watching television, chatting on messenger or in facebook, but if you where teenagers without modern technology, what will you do?

Story about the photographs of child laborers

Every child should have fun. The Childs need to be free, they don’t need to work because everything has it specific time we don’t have to accelerate the things. These are basic necessities that a child should have, they have to be in the school learning, not in factories or industries working. This is not a life that a child should have.
In general the kids hate the school. The school is always boring for them and they would like to stay in house slipping or just doing anything.
When a child says that he wants to study but they can’t because the spend all their time working is a very sad situation.
Something like this happened years ago, when the industrial revolution was happening.
The little girl named Dory of 12 years old, born when the industrial revolution was happening, when she was 7 years old she had to start working. She always wanted to study but she can’t because she had to spend all her time working. She made some friends working but it was difficult for her to share time with them because she was always working, her parents work all the day and they didn’t share time as a family.
The work that Dory had to do has hard; obviously it was a work for a little girl but no matter it was hard. She wasn’t living like a kid has to live and the formation she was receiving either. Tony of 8 years, Dan of 8, Joseph of 10 and John of 11 worked in the same place, where Dory works; and they had to listen to drunk mans that say bad words to them.
All this work not only tired them; some of the kids started to get sick, some of them became healthy but some of them die; this where difficult times, especially for kids, only the strong kids can survive. Some works where harder than others. Some kid worked as miners, others as newsies, at the factory, as seafood workers, as fruit peackers, and others as little salesman, there where a big variety of works.
Sunday was the day that Dory can see her family. Every Sunday she takes the lunch with all her family. Some of the friends of Dory played for money, and she thought that if she plays, her family will have more money and the can share more time together, but the result wasn’t the ones that she planned; she lost a lot of money and she never return to her house because she was afraid of what her family can say about her.
Anybody saw Dory again, some persons say that she died because of the sadness, and some say that she worked too much and a lot of work killed.

Questions of the information of the industrial revolution

1) When and where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

The Industrial Revolution started in England around 1733.

2) Why did England forbid factory workers to leave the country?

England wants to keep its industrialization a secret, so they prohibited anyone who had worked in a factory to leave the country.

3) How did Samuel Slater contribute to the Industrial Revolution in America?

Here in America, Samuel Slater reconstructed a cotton-spinning machine from memory. He then proceeded to build a factory of his own.

4) Name one of the bad consequences of the Industrial Revolution.

By the age of 6, many children were already working 14 hours a day in factories and some of them got sick and died because of the toxic fumes, others were sometimes killed working at the dangerous machines in factories.

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2009

Industrial Revolution...

This Blog is created by:
Veronica Del Pozo
Julia Restrepo
sara Caisedo
Maria Claudia Puerta
Maria Camila Mesa