viernes, 3 de abril de 2009

Activities on onventions


Activity one


Note: in this short bibliography we are going to specify some things as: who was her? What did she invent? When it was invented? Where it was invented? What impact this invention had on America's History?

Elisha Graves Otis invented a safety device that prevented the elevator from falling if the cable broke. He started working on it at 1852 and he finished it on 1854.He worked in this safety device when he was living Yonkers, New York.
Elisha Graves Otis was born on August 3, 1811 Halifax, Vermont and died on April 8, 1861 because he contracted a diphtheria. In 1852 he invented a safety device for making the elevators more safety, and for avoiding the falling of the elevator due to the broke of any cable.
Otis started to sale his firsts own “safety” elevators on 1853. His invention was a big success in a New York exposition, where he impress all the audience when he ordered to cut a cable and he show how this new method of safety was preventing that the elevators crash against the soil in case of accident and he supposed a real revolution for the industry.
The first elevator was installed in New York on 1857. When Otis died his sons Charles and Norton continued with this work on his company named Otis Brothers & Co.

Activity two
Ten open questions
The technology has advance to much since some years ago, based in this answer this questions.
1. How many changes have occurred in the actual refrigerator s, compared with the older ones?
2. We listen that the old people talk about when the television was black and white, how do you imagine it was like?
3. The technology has advance especially in the communication things, can you describe how where the telephones 30 years ago?
4. The radios have had a lot of changes, how do you imagine the music or information in the radio was 40 years ago?
5. Can you describe the changes that the actual CD has had?
6. The microwave oven is very utile invention in the actuality, how do you imagine the microwave oven of 40 years ago?
7. In the past the persons used books to investigate the things the need or want to know, on the actuality we use the internet, what pages of internet do you use to investigate?
8. IPods have been a great invention for everybody, but they are a very new invention. Before the iPods where invented, how do you listen to the music you want?
9. We are very use to the technology; many of our works depend on it. But what will you do if the technology doesn’t exist for one day?
10. Teenagers spend their time watching television, chatting on messenger or in facebook, but if you where teenagers without modern technology, what will you do?

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