jueves, 16 de abril de 2009

Phases of The Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution transformed the re existence of mankind and to accelerate the pace of history.

First phase

Machines and manpower

• Technical Inventions:

The resources of the revolution were watchmakers, manufacturers of optical instruments, and cortafríos around the elements that gave the British the idea of engineers building high-pressure machinery
• the leadership of industrial England:

during the XVI and XVII provide the wool industry and the industries of silk. England began to export these and other products by browsing. At the end of the seventeenth century became the country that played the largest international maritime trade, the British were forced to invent machines and procedures to reduce costs of manufactured goods. The workers were craftsmen working in Asia and this is what caused many technical inventions in the English textile industry.
The triumph of the machines: The English industry became thanks to two decisive changes: the mechanization of the work and the application of the steam to the new machines.

• The mechanization of the work: It arose from the experience of the textile craftsmen, who contributed practical solutions you castrated to increase the production and to lower the price of costs. Like the machine to spin well-known like Jenny, invented by Harqueaves.

• The application of the steam: but everything changed when James Watt invented the steam machine, in 1765.Becoming one of the first passages for the industrial development. It produced technical progresses and a great impact in the society, looked for to replace the hand of the worker by one more a more profitable production.

Iron and steel industry and Mining: The iron and the coal: At the beginning industrialization, the raw material to construct the machines was the iron, little metal in England. Nevertheless, the work with the iron posed another problem: For its smelting the firewood was used because the steam of the charcoal did not favor. Thus, with the purpose of to improve the quality of the iron, they were based to the treatment with base to the mineral coal. The mineral coal reduced the costs of the production of the iron, and allowed the manufactures of greater furnaces. In addition, the cutting of trees paused. The Agricultural revolution: Simultaneously with the industrial revolution, the call of the agricultural revolution occurred that considered two aspects: the transformation of the agrarian structures and the new techniques of culture.

The transformation of the agrarian structures: in century XVIII I reform the property and possession of farms. This happened because the territories of the noble were an obstacle because there was too much fragmentation. The British parliament and the laws of the surrounded one concentrated to the property and to stimulate the investment.

• The new techniques of culture:
In the field new techniques of culture practiced which took place, the productivity increased in a 90% throughout century XVIII.

The demographic revolution: Another significant fact, happened in Europe from second half of century XVIII, was the accelerated growth of the population.

The causes of the growth of the population were product of the industrial revolution.

Between these causes we can mention: To the best feeding, thanks to the agricultural progresses and the advances of the medicine and the hygiene. The demographic increase, constituted an important factor of economic development. And to avoid the excess of population, Malthus proposed the birth control by means of the drastic limitation of the marriages. But the effective solution but was the emigration from the European to other regions of the world.

Second phase: the technical revolution (1840 – 1920)

The technical progress and economic development created by the industrial revolution began to transform the habits and relationships between people. The communication and transportation methods make shortest distances.

TrainsOne of the inventions of this phase were the trains. The first train was created in 1814 but was very slow so in 1835 were build powerful trains with more speed.

Steamboats In 1803 the first model of a steam boat was created by Fulton. The mode was tested and works but the French government did not support this idea so Fulton moved to United States where he received support. In 1807 United States begun to produce this boats.

Industrial revolution expansion

France Experiment from the 19 century a gradual industrialization. The machines they use came from England but later they began to build their own machines.Mechanization became generalized and the public works and the trains stimulated progress.

Germany Industrialization begun with the role played by Prussia. In 1834 Germany created a large market, in 1835 began operating the first train, later industrial resources and technical capacity create the German empire and the country became a world power.

United States In 1860 was the second industrial power. The great natural resources, the trains, and the emigrants were innovations caused the fast industrial development. Japan: After the revolution Meiji, Japan started modernizations and this changes include the industrial revolution.

Third Phase

Technical revolution

We can locate the face as of 1920.Around this time the aviation and space exploration received a big push. Developed the media of communication like the radio, television, film, telephone and the informatics and the media of transportation. Some of the characteristics of this time were called the Industrial Automation or empire of machines programmed.

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